background image




Step #2 

- Assemble the Pedestal 


Bolt both pedestal halves 
together with a bolt, 
two washers and a nut 
for each of the eight holes as 
shown. Lay the pedestal on 
its side and have someone 
hold the bolt from the 
opposite side while you 
over tighten the nut.

Step #3 

- Attach the Leg Levelers   

Attach all four leg level-
ers into the bottom of 
the assembled pedestal. 
Screw them in clockwise 
all the way, but do not 
tighten them.

Step #4 

- Hook up the Power Cords

Thread the AC adapter cord (black arrow below) 
through the bottom of the pedestal (fig. A) and 
through the hole drilled into the wooden speaker 
bracket (fig. B). Carefully place the top half of the 
game on to the pedestal. Have someone hold it at an 
angle so you can access the inside. Take the power 
cord and plug it in to the hole located on the under-
side of the playfield cabinet (fig. C). 

Take the wire that is taped to the bottom of the 
playfield cabinet and plug it in to the hole located 
by the speaker (shown above with the white arrow).

Step #5 

- Attach Cabinet

Carefully move the top 
half of the game on to 
the pedestal. Note that 
the end with the handles 
lines up with the side 
of the pedestal with (2) 
bolt holes. Using (10) hex 
head bolts and washers, 
secure both halves together. 

Step #6 

- Attach Optional Stickers

Attach one sticker on each side of the cabinet as 
shown above. Peeling away half of the back at a time 
makes it a little easier to locate the center.  

Step #7 

- Level the Playfield

Using the provided Hex wrench, remove the two bolts on the 
corners of the dome on the handle side. Lift the dome to access 
the inside by pulling up on the handle. Do not allow the dome 
to swing all the way open without supporting it. Place a level 
across, lengthwise, and diagonally into the four corners. Raise 
and lower the appropriate leg leveler.

Step #8 

- Attach the Electronic Scoring Unit

Locate the four wires com-
ing out of the hole located 
on the hinge side of the 
dome. Plug them into the 
scoring unit as shown. Note 
that two wires look identi-
cal. Switch locations if you 
score and it credits the op-
posing team.

Bolt the scoring unit to the edge of the 
dome using the (2) nuts and bolts pro-
vided. Slip the bolt through the bottom 
of the dome and scoring unit and tighten 
with the bolt and a phillips head screw-
driver. Be careful not to pinch the wires 
for the scoring unit in the dome when lifting it. Attach the 
final screw and washer through the front of the unit. Slip the 
screw through the small hole in the dome from the inside and 

Step #9 

- Operating the Scoring Unit

Turn the power switch 
to “on”. Select desired 
game option. By de-
fault, it begins with the 
15 minute game option. 
To change the game 
option, push the “select” button. There are seven total options 
including “Free play” which has no time limit or scoring limit. 
After choosing a game option, push the “Start” button to be-
gin. To start over, press the” Reset / Start” button again. The 
volume switch has three settings: High, Low and Off.

Step #10 

- Ejecting Puck Into Play

Push the green button located at either playing position to 
eject the puck. Do not put more than one puck in the game at 
a time as the puck ejection mechanism will jam. Push the Red 
button to play a sound effect.    

333 Morton Street

Bay City, Michigan  48706

Phone:  989-893-1739

Fax:  989-893-1809

[email protected]

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