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Stick Reader

Stick Reader


SDL 400S & 440S

SDL 400S & 440S

Version 19.03.2019


Ba  ery pack


The s  ck reader comes with four AA rechargeable ba  eries. Standard AA ba  eries can also be used. 

Inser  ng ba  eries

Note: You will not lose your data when you remove the ba  ery pack.

1.  Open the s  ck reader by unscrewing the end of the red or blue handle. Use the white loop to pull out 

the ba  ery pack. 

2.  Insert the ba  eries into the holder ensuring the posi  ve and nega  ve markings (+ / -) on the ba  er-

ies match up with the (+ / -) on the holder. 

3.  Insert the ba  ery pack with the green arrow and green circle facing the same direc  on as the green 

bu  on on the reader. Ensure that the ba  ery pack is aligned with the grooves inside the s  ck 

4.  Replace the end of the reader by screwing the cap on. 

Warning: Do not over-  ghten the ba  ery cap 

as this could damage the thread.

Green bu  on

LCD screen

Shearwell label

End cap for 
ba  ery access

Light ring

Light ring

Blue light

Blue light
