DCIEM Decompression Algorithm
DOC. 10055-DraftA (2021-07-21)
What does the Nitrogen Loading Bar graph represent when running
the DCIEM algorithm?
The nitrogen loading bar graph is a representation of the
decompression stress a diver is under according to the DCIEM
algorithm. It is calculated based on the supersaturation ratios of
the model’s compartments.
No-decompression limit is not a good predictor of decompression sickness risk. The
nitrogen loading bar graph is a much better tool for managing this risk.
What does the tissue loading bar graph represent when running the
DCIEM algorithm?
The tissue loading bar graph shows loading of the 16
Bühlmann ZHL-16C tissue compartments, exactly like it does
when running the Bühlmann decompression algorithm.
We chose to leave this graph in place while the computer is running DCIEM for interest
and so tissue loading could be compared. The tissues represented in this graph have no
impact on decompression calculations when running the DCIEM algorithm.
Can I revert my computer to the Bühlmann ZHL-16C algorithm after
upgrading it to DCIEM.
Yes, once a computer is DCIEM unlocked it can be freely switched between algorithms.
Note that changing algorithms will clear decompression tissues. Plan repetitive dives
Why did we limit our DCIEM implementation to a single open-cricuit gas
of up to 40% oxygen? Will we introduce multi-gas and helium capable
DCIEM in the future?
This implementation is designed to cover the majority of use cases for the DCIEM
algorithm. We may introduce additional capabilities or features in the future depending
on market demand. We always appreciate getting feedback from fellow divers about
how we can make our products better.