The USDA recommends the minimum internal temperature for
ham and fresh ground beef, veal, lamb and pork reach 160°F to
destroy harmful bacteria such as salmonella and E. coli. Beef,
veal, lamb, fresh pork (roasts, steaks, chops) and poultry should
reach a minimum internal temperature of 170°F.
Normal Operation
1. Two AAA batteries are included and should last for approxi-
mately two years. To change batteries, open battery cover
and insert new batteries, making sure batteries’ +/- poles are
correctly oriented.
2. Press ON/AUTO to operate.
3. Press SET to select the desired temperature of doneness
4. Insert fork into meat, fish or poultry, making sure that the
marked right prong goes into the middle of the thickest part
of the meat.
5. When the food temperature reaches the set temperature, the
temperature display will blink and beep.
Temperature Range in °F