2701 Busse Road Elk Groove Village, IL. 60007 Tel. 708-562-9221
August 8, 2013
Page 5 of 5
Valve must be properly secured during testing. Fixture flanges for testing should be the
same rating as the valves.
A. Secure valve to a test fixture with a suitable gasket. Orient the valve so the seat
to be tested is facing up.
B. Apply 80 to 100 psig air into the end of the closed valve which is attached to the
fixture. Pour water into the upper port to cover the ball and visually check for
bubbles. If bubbles are coming out, cycle the valve several times and recheck.
To check for leakage in the other port, reverse the valve and repeat the process.
C. In the event of stem seal leakage, adjust as described under paragraph, “Stem
Seal Adjustment”.