General Notes
"603SH" here refers to this mobile phone "AQUOS Xx3 mini."
Portrait Rights
FCC Notice
Portrait Rights
Portrait rights protect individuals' right to refuse to be photographed or to refuse unauthorized
publication/use of their photographs. Portrait rights consist of the right to privacy, which is applicable
to all persons, and the right to publicity, which protects the interests of celebrities. Therefore,
photographing others including celebrities and publicizing/distributing their photographs without
permission is illegal; use Camera responsively.
Copyright laws protect sounds, images, computer programs, databases, other materials and
copyright holders. Duplicated material is limited to private use only. Use of materials beyond this limit
or without copyright holder permission may constitute copyright infringement, and be subject to
criminal punishment. Comply with copyright laws when using images shot with Camera.
The software contained in handset is copyrighted material; copyright, moral right and other related
rights are protected by copyright laws. Do not copy, modify, alter, disassemble, decompile or
reverse-engineer the software; do not separate it from hardware in whole or part.
Wave Exposure and Sp
cific Absorption Rate (SAR) Informatio
General Notes