When you have made mistaken operation while handling or malfunctions
or damages have caused by accidents. Also, the product has traces of
being dropped, water intrusion, humidity, etc.
When malfunctions or damages have arisen from earthquakes, storms,
floods or other natural disasters, as well as fires, salt damages, abnormal
voltage, etc.
4. Repairs may not be possible depending on the damage state.
5. The Company does not compensate any damages/losses arising from
product faults.
6. The Company assumes no responsibility for any accidents that might be
caused by connecting the product to the device other than specified one.
7. Visiting repairs are not possible.
8. This warranty is valid only in Japan.
* This warranty is liable for the free-of-charge repair subject to the above-mentioned
period and condition. Therefore, it does not restrict your legal authority for
assurance parties and other operators.
Keitai Guarantee Service Plus LTE
An after-sales service membership program on a monthly basis called “Keitai
Guarantee Service Plus LTE” (monthly fee: 380 yen, tax excluded) is available
for using your au cell phone for a long time without worries. This service
expands coverage for many troubles including malfunction, theft and loss. For
details of this service, check on the au homepage or contact Keitai Guarantee
Service Center.
au Nano IC Card 04
The au Nano IC Card 04 is lent to you by au. In case of loss or damage, the
card will be replaced at your expense. When malfunction is suspected, or in
case of theft or loss, contact an au shop or PiPit.
au After-Sales Service Information
You can apply for membership only at the time of purchasing your au cell
Once you cancel the membership, you cannot reapply for it until you
purchase an au cell phone next time.
Note that when changing the model or purchasing an extra cell phone,
this service only covers the most recently purchased au cell phone.
When an au cell phone is handed over to you or someone else, the “Keitai
Guarantee Service Plus LTE” membership is also handed over to the
successor of the cell phone.
When you get a new au cell phone by changing the model, purchasing
an extra cell phone, etc., the “Keitai Guarantee Service Plus” or “Keitai
Guarantee Service Plus LTE” membership for the old au cell phone is
automatically canceled.
Service contents are subject to change without notice.
Service contents
Keitai Guarantee
Service Plus LTE
Guarantee Service
Plus LTE member
Replacement mobile phone
delivery service
(spontaneous failure: 1st year)
Replacement mobile phone
delivery service
(spontaneous failure: 2nd year
and later)
Refer to the
following charges
list of “Replacement
mobile phone
delivery service”
Replacement mobile phone
delivery service
(partial damage, water soak,
irreparable damage, theft and
Refer to the
following charges
list of “Replacement
mobile phone
delivery service”
Holding over and repair
(spontaneous failure: 1st year)
Holding over and repair
(spontaneous failure: 2nd year
and later)
Free (three-year
Actual cost
Holding over and repair
(partial damage)
Customer charge
Upper limit: 5,000
Actual cost