SMS Settings
“Messaging Settings”
“SMS Settings”
Select the item you wish to set up.
• “Message Centre”:
Enter the message centre number.
If you wish to enter a country code for a message
to an international number, press and hold
until a
sign is displayed.
• “Message Format”:
Select the message format to be used when
creating a new message.
• “Reply Path”:
Accepts or rejects the same reply path with the
send path when receiving the reply message for
your message.
• “Optimisation”:
When set “On” (default), double-byte characters
such as European characters with an accent are
converted into single-byte characters and sent.
When “Off”, double-byte characters are sent as
Please note that you may be charged double for
double-byte characters sent in an SMS when
Optimisation is set “Off”.
(M 5-9-2)