Email Settings
“Messaging Settings”
“Email Settings”
Select the item you wish to set up.
• “Email Accounts”:
Select the desired account or select “Create New”
to enter the following settings.
“Account Name”: Email account name
(Unique name)
“POP3 Server”:
Server name, user ID,
password and port number
for POP3 server
“SMTP Server”:
Server name, user ID,
password, port number for
SMTP server and SMTP
“Access Point”:
Access point for Email
“Email Address”: Email address
• “Download Interval”:
Sets the download interval.
• “Max Message Size”:
Sets the maximum message size for sending and
disables sending Email messages exceeding that
Messenger Settings
With service providers not offering the Instant
messenger function, the
Messenger Settings
menu is
not displayed.
“Messaging Settings”
“Messenger Settings”
Select “Create New” to enter the following settings.
“Profile Name”:
Messenger profile name
(Unique name)
Proxy setting for Messenger
Messenger relay server
“Messenger ID”:
Your ID for Messenger
Password for Messenger
• In normal operations, you do not need to change the
• Messenger settings have already been entered in
your phone depending on your service provider. You
may have restrictions on viewing, deleting, copying
or modifying the settings. Contact your service
provider for details.
(M 5-9-4)
(M 5-9-5)