Thank you for purchasing a Shakmat DIY kit !
We spare no effort in our kit packing process to prevent any mistakes or
missing parts. In this document as well, we do our best to describe the assem-
bly process in the most practical and comprehensive way. If by any chance
there is a missing/damaged part in your kit or if you have any suggestion, feel
free to contact us via shakmat.com.
We strongly advise you NOT to spill all the bags open and mix their
components. Some of them are virtually indistinguishable
(like LEDs that
all appear clear when inactive). We recommend to only take the neccesary
component out of its bag, or to empty the bags in separate & marked contai-
ners. For each step, next to the component’s graphic representation, there is a
reference indicating where to find it (i.e. P1 for Pack 1, or LP for Loose Part).
The assembly process will be dramatically simplified if you follow the order
defined by this building guide. We tested various orders of steps before finding
the most convenient, and the one presented here is the best!
1. Preamble