SH 075 MIDI Guitar Converter Owners Manual v.1 _____________________________ SHADOW ELECTRONICS
Working with SH 075
Tuning the Guitar
Tune your guitar to A 440 hz as follows:
- Press the MIDI ON/OFF (10) and MODE Selector (9) keys simultaneously. All 3
LEDs will flash.
- Press the MODE Selector (9) key again an play any string. If the tuning is correct
or - 5 cents to 440 hz tuning the middle LED will light. Left LED will indicate
FLAT - right will indicate SHARP tuning.
- Tune each string until the middle LED is lit.
Tuning SH 075
SH 075 can be tuned slightly flat or sharp of A = 440hz. Press the MIDI On/Off (9) and
MODE (10) keys simultaneously and play the open A5 string. SH 075 will go back to
play mode as soon as the new tuning is set. If the LEDs will keep flashing, string A5
was not played loud enough. Play the string again, stronger.
String Sensitivity and Dynamics
For optimum triggering and tracking the string sensitivity must be adjusted.
Chose a patch on your Synth that is velocity sensitive. Turn the Dynamic Range Control fully
to the left. Play one string continuously with average lucking strength. Now turn the
Dynamic Range Control fully right. If the sound gets louder: turn the string trim pot down
(counter clockwise). If the sound gets softer turn the trim pot up (clockwise). The correct
adjustment is when both extremes of the Dynamic Range Control yield about the same
volume from the Synth when played at average picking strength. Repeat for each string.
These errors will occur if the sensitivity is not adjusted properly.
Sensitivity too low: a.) Soft playing, no sound at all.
b.) String bends not followed. Sensitivity too high:
a.) False triggering and repeated notes on string decay, b.)
Finger placement and noise causing triggers.
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