Owner’s Manual
© Shadow Elektroakustik, Peter-Haendel-Str. 2, DE-91334 Hemhofen / Germany
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Controls of the Transmitter
Panaflex Transmitter
PAN: Panorama control
BT-T: Combined BASS / TREBLE control for the upper strings
BT-B: Combined BASS / TREBLE control for the lower strings
WIRELESS ON/OFF: ON/OFF switch and PHASE reverse switch
MINI-USB Input to charge the battery
CHARGE LED: 3 color charge control LED
TUNER: Tone display
TUNER: Control-Leds
TUNER ON/OFF switch and PAIRING switch
LED: 3 color operation control LED
From the side: Battery compartment
From the bottom: Connector for the stereo Nanoflex pickup
(Stereo Nanoflex)
(Acoustic or Classic)
, applicable with installation material
Stereo Panaflex Preamp / Transmitter
(PFA-W: Acoustic or PFC-W: Classic)
with installation material to fit different soundholes
5V USB Charger with two USB cables
(Type A to Micro B)
Stereo Panorama Receiver: PRC-W
Installing the stereo Nanoflex pickup
Remove the original saddle and drill a 3.1mm diameter hole in the corner of the saddle slot at the bass string side
(see Fig. 2 D)
The hole has to be drilled in an angle of 30°-45°. Check your bracing before drilling the hole to avoid damage.
Clean up the saddle slot and eliminate the wood dust and chips. Lead the NFX pickup through the hole
in the bridge and place
it into the bridge
slot showing “NFX top” up towards the saddle.
Fig. 1:
To accommodate the height of the original bridge reduce the height of the
saddle. The thickness of the Nanoflex is around 0.8mm.
Important: The bottom side has to be absolutely flat!
Insert the saddle and secure it temporarily with a piece of tape.
Fig. 2:
Use the single wire clip
(if supplied)
to secure the wire from
the pickup to the underside of the top and secure the cable into it.
Failing to secure the wire may produce feedback and other bizarre
audio consequences. Also fix area
to avoid noise or feedback.
Connect the 3-pin cable of the pickup to the bottom of the transmitter.
Fig. 3:
During reassembling the strings, pay attention to the saddle! If
needed press it back to the correct upright position. Otherwise it is easy
to cause feedback!
Installing the Panaflex transmitter
Use the adhesive foam strips to increase the diameter of the transmitter. For best results it should be neither too loose nor too
tight. If it is too tight, you may damage the sound hole or of your guitar other part. It is too loose the transmitter may fall off
during playing.
Don’t forget: Before you finally insert the transmitter plug in the 3-pin connector from the stereo Nanoflex pickup into the connector located on
the bottom of the transmitter!
Inserting / changing the LI-ION battery
The transmitter uses a very common and easy to get rechargeable 3.7V Lithium Ion battery
Replace or change the battery if the capacity drops down or the battery cannot be recharged
Remove the transmitter from the guitar sound hole.
Open the battery holder
- located on
the side - by pressing the wings together. Now you can remove or slide in the battery.
When inserting the battery take care to point to the contacts inside the transmitter. Also make sure
the contacts
(Fig.4: B)
looking down, same as the contacts inside the battery compartment.
If you insert the battery in any other way the unit cannot operate.
Close the battery compartment to fix the battery in place.
The battery has a capacity of ~1050mA/h. Depending on the state of the technology the value may vary
from 1000mA/h up to 1200mA/h or similar. The transmitter uses approx. 200mA per hour.
Just divide the values to estimate how long the battery may last: Example: 1050 / 200 = 5¼ hours
The full capacity of the battery may not reach if the environment temperature is extremely low or high.
Use normal room temperature to operate or charge.
You can always recharge the battery, even it is not empty. LI-ION batteries don’t have the “Memory Effect” like N-Mh batteries!
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
When handling with
LI-ION batteries read the
safety instructions first!
Fig. 4