SGC SG-500 SmartPowerCube™ User’s Manual, Page 2
SGC, 13737 SE 26
Street Bellevue, WA 98005 USA • Ph: 425-746-6310, Fx: 425-746-6384, Email: [email protected]
Copyright SGC 2007
The SGC SG-500 SmartPowerCube is a professional grade HF amplifier designed to provide a maximum
of 500 watts PEP RF output when driven from virtually any HF transceiver – up to 150 W PEP input.
This provides on the air signal levels within 3 dB of a full kW amplifier at a much lower cost. The unit
has an operational frequency range of 1.6 to 24 MHz (to 30 MHz for Export version). This amplifier is
the result of extensive research and design to create an affordable unit, which provides dependable
operation with a minimum of controls and operator interface.
The SG-500 is ‘bullet-proof’ – fully protected by microprocessor control. This circuitry dynamically
monitors all amplifier parameters and provides adjustments and protection against high VSWR, under-
voltage, over-current, and high-temperature conditions. Amplifier status is visible from a row of LED
indicators on the front panel. Professional-grade design and construction is utilized through the unit, with
all circuit assemblies encased within the massive die-cast alloy chassis/heatsink.
PTT Keying Mode and Band Output Filter Selection can be enabled automatically, or by manual control.
Band switching time is typically 15 msec or less. This automated capability is ideal for remote or
unattended operating site applications. SGC’s conservatively rated amplifier design uses 8 final power
transistors for full power output with minimal component stress. The small case dimensions (less than 1
cubic foot) and footprint size allow convenient desktop, mobile, and maritime installation. When used
with the matching SG-235 antenna coupler, it forms the heart of an automatic all-band 500 Watt HF
Power Output:
500 W PEP SSB, 500 W CW 10 min. maximum without fan
500W CW no time limit with fan (at 50% duty cycle)
Frequency Range:
1.6 to 24 MHz (1.6 to 30 MHz in export version)
Power Input:
50 to 90 Watts (auto) 150 Watts maximum
Band Switching:
Manual (automatic in export version)
Input Voltage:
14.0 VDC (input range 10.0 to 18.0 VDC)
Input Current:
40A average (SSB), 90A peak (CW)
Natural air convection (optional cooling fan available)
T/R Switching:
10 msec. nominal
PTT line (manual) or RF sensed (automatic)
Input overdrive, under-voltage, out-of-band frequency input, current imbalance,
over-current, over-temperature, high VSWR
Built-In Testing:
Microprocessor controlled LED fault indicators