Manual – IPOSplus®
P90x IPOS reference travel
P9xx IPOS Parameters
Reference offset becomes active after reference travel has been completed success-
12.1.2 P901 Reference speed 1
Setting range: 0 – 200 – 6000 rpm
Reference speed 1 determines the travel speed for the first part of the reference travel.
Speed change always takes place via stop ramp t13. The search directions during ref-
erence travel are determined by the respective reference travel type. The speed is in ef-
fect until the reference cam has been reached.
12.1.3 P902 Reference speed 2
Setting range: 0 – 50 – 6000 rpm
Reference speed 2 determines the travel speed for the second part of the reference
travel. Speed change always takes place via stop ramp t13. The search directions dur-
ing reference travel are determined by the respective reference travel type. The speed
is effective upon leaving the reference cam until reaching the first zero pulse.
12.1.4 P903 Reference travel type
Setting range: 0 – 8
The reference travel type specifies the reference travel strategy that is used to establish
the machine zero of a machine.
This setting also defines the search direction for the reference cam in the individual ref-
erencing phases.
Use parameter P904 Referencing to zero pulse (page 126) to determine if the reference
travel takes place to the edge change of the reference cam or the next zero pulse of the
Prerequisite for execution of reference travel is a drive that is
the exception of reference travel type 8.
There are also types available that can function without a reference cam.
Type 0: CCW zero pulse
– First search direction is CCW.
– Reference position = Left zero pulse from current position
– Machine zero = reference po reference offset
Type 1: CW end of the reference cam
– First search direction is CCW.
– Reference position = First zero pulse or falling edge to the left of the reference
– Machine zero = reference po reference offset
Type 2: CW end of the reference cam
In case of a reference travel of a drive system with absolute encoder (HIPERFACE
DIP), P905 Hiperface offset X15 (page 126) / P947 Hiperface offset X14 (page 136) or
DIP offset P953 Position offset (page 139) will be recalculated and overwritten by the
reference travel depending on the actual position source.