3019 Alvin DeVane Blvd.
Ste. 560
Austin, TX 78741
Phone: (650) 965-8020
TECH SUPPORT: 650-965-8020 ext. 703
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LiberatorMAX Industrial Wireless Headsets
CSB-990MAX and CSB-992MAX
LiberatorMAX Headset
Operating Instructions
7) Operating Notes
Once a network is established, all users will be able to hear and
speak to each other within the operating range
If one user moves out of range, the other users will not receive
a notification, they simply will not be able to speak to or hear
that user – if that user then moves back into range,
communications with the network will automatically resume
If a group of users (all on the same channel) splits into 2 groups
by some of them moving out of range, they will form a new
network, still on the same channel – if they then move back into
range they will meld back into the original network
Two networks can exist simultaneously without interference if
they are on separate channels, but they will not be able to
communicate with each other
4) Portable Radio Use
A Portable Radio can be attached to the headset with a
suitable Setcom PRAC cable (determine by radio type)
With Portable Radio OFF, attach adaptor to accessory port on
radio, then plug smaller round connector into the jack on the
Left Cup, then turn radio ON
The radio’s volume control will set the received audio volume
in the headset
To transmit over the radio, press/hold the PTT button on the
Left Cup, release it when transmission is completed
5) “Sleep” Mode
After 15 minutes of no movement the headset will enter sleep
mode to conserve battery power – the LED will turn off
When the headset is again moved or picked up it will
automatically wake up and resume normal operation
If the headset is not going to be used for a long period of time, it
is recommended to turn it off using the Volume Control knob –
turn fully counter-clockwise until a click is heard
6) Charging
To charge the headset, plug a power source into the Charging
Jack on the Left Cup – the power source should provide 5 to 14
VDC, it can be a “wall-wart” power supply, or a cable providing
12V vehicle power (plug type is 5.5mm with a 2.1mm pin)
While charging, the LED will be Orange, the headset can be
used while charging
A full charge from low battery condition takes approximately 6
7/8/19 SBH