Congratulations on the purchase of this high quality
seramic pH controller!
1. Features and field of application
The microprocessor controlled seramic pH Controller
monitors the pH value setting in fresh and salt water
aquariums. The seramic pH Controller measures the pH
value via the connected sera pH electrode and regu-
lates the pH value to the required value via the con-
nected hose device, solenoid valve or pump.
Carbon dioxide dosage in freshwater aquariums and
operating a calcium reactor in marine aquariums are
typical application fields of the seramic.
1.1 Lowering the pH value by adding CO
1.1.1 Application as CO
fertilizing system (1)
Fertilizing aquarium plants by directed and controlled
addition is the most common application of the
seramic in freshwater aquariums.
The CO
is dosed by a solenoid valve (included with the
kit). The solenoid valve is triggered by the external
plug that receives its signal from the seramic. The
desired pH value of the water is precisely adjusted with
the keys of the seramic. As CO
and carbonic acid are
acidic, the seramic will lower the pH value when used
in this setup. The seramic will close the solenoid valve
via the external plug when the desired value is
1.1.2 Application as control unit for a calcium reactor (2)
For regulating a calcium reactor, the sera pH electrode
must be installed tightly in the assigned opening of
the calcium reactor. The CO
supply of the calcium
reactor is directed through the solenoid valve and can
thus be regulated by means of the desired pH value
selected on the seramic. Depending on tank size and
calcium requirement, you must now adjust the water
flow rate of the calcium reactor. Please consult the
instructions for use as provided by the manufacturer
of the unit to do so.
1.2 Raising the pH value by adding buffer solutions
Dosing buffer solutions or alkalines for raising the pH
value in saltwater aquariums is possible by using a suit-
able feed pump (hose pump, volume triggered pump).
The desired pH value is selected on the seramic. The
feed pump is immersed in the solution to be delivered
and connected to the external plug of the seramic.
When the selected pH value is attained, the seramic
will interrupt the power supply of the feed pump, and
the pH value is maintained. If it sinks below a preselect-
able value (see switching delay) the seramic will switch
on the feed pump again.
The reaction delay of the pH electrode must be consid-
ered when adjusting the pump performance as to pre-
vent too much alkalines being added.
2. The pH value
The pH value shows whether a liquid is acidic (pH below
7.0), neutral (pH = 7.0), or alkaline (pH above 7.0). In nat-
ural waters, pH values are mostly between 5.5 and 8.0
with freshwater and between 7.5 and 8.5 with saltwa-
pH values between 6.8 and 7.5 are suitable for fish and
plants in a community aquarium. If this pH value is sta-
ble and maintained by appropriate CO
addition, the
plants will grow considerably better. Many species of
plants that could only endure a few weeks in the
aquarium can now be kept for the long term (correct
lightning provided). Of course, the aquarium must be
equipped with the correct lighting as well.
Typical pH values
• for optimum care of discus,
angelfish, cardinal tetra,
dwarf gouramis, killifish, etc.
pH 6.0 – 7.0
• in the community aquarium
pH 6.8 – 7.5
• for platies, mollies, guppies,
Malawi/Tanganyika cichlids
pH 7.5 – 8.5
• in natural saltwater
pH 8.1 – 8.4
• in saltwater aquariums
pH 8.1 (morning) –
8.4 (evening)
Ideal pH: 8.2
3. Contents (3):
Digital seramic pH Controller with power con-
External plug
Solenoid valve
sera pH measuring electrode
Non-return valve
2 suction cups and universal holder
Universal holder
sera test solution pH 4.0 (with security color
indicator “red”) 100 ml (3.38 fl.oz.)
sera test solution pH 7.0 (with security color
indicator “green”) 100 ml (3.38 fl.oz.)
3 m (9.9 ft.) CO
hose 4/6
Directions for use
4. Functions of the seramic
The system is user friendly with an easy to read LED
The control unit operates on the following functions:
• adjustment of the desired pH value
• calibration of the pH electrode
• display the present pH value
• adjustment of the switching delay
• switching from lowering the pH value (Lo) to raising
the pH value (Hi)
The display of the seramic pH Controller shows a 2
decimal place (e.g., 7.57 pH). The 2
(hundredth pH) is
for recognizing tendencies only and will never be com-
pletely stable. Light differences or a slight wandering
are considered normal.
Information for use
Please read completely and carefully before assembling the seramic pH Controller.