------Custom: set the time that the alarm rings in a week.
Alarm tone: select ring tone or FM radio as the alarm.
Snooze (mins): set the snooze time.
Alert type: select the alarm mode, e.g. Vibrator and Ring, Ring, Vibrator.
4.7.4 World clock
You can look up the time of major cities around the world and set the time as your display time of your device. Press
direction keys to view the time of major cities in other countries.
4.7.5 Notes
You can add, edit, and delete notes.
4.7.6 Calculator
Press the Direction keys to input the four ope, -,
Press the Right soft key to clear last number or result; press the Right soft key
to exit calculator and press the
Left soft key or OK to calculate.
* Note: The precision of the calculator is limited and there are errors, especially when it is indivisible.
4.7.7 Cirremcu xpmverer
4.7.8 Stopwatch
It is a timer. Common stopwatch and multi-directional stopwatch are available.
Typical Stopwatch:
------ Split Timing: record the time of every circle or every person.
------Lap Timing: record the circle time of a person.
------ View record: view the recorded time.
nWay Stopwatch: you can press the Direction keys to record the time of four persons and the total time. When the
timing is stopped, press and hold the Left soft key to clear the records
4.8 Profiles
You can select different modes on different occasions to carry out the personal settings in the environment modes such as
ring tone, vibration, volume, etc. This function makes it possible to get adjusted to different situations without changing
the ring tone settings at multiple places, and you only need to switch to the pre-set environment mode.
General mode: It is ringing alert by default;
Silent mode: It does not have ringing and vibrating alert
Meeting mode: It is vibrating alert by default;
Outdoor mode: It uses the maximum volume, vib ringing alert, by default;