Sentech GigE Vision Camera StGigE SDK
Sample Guide Rev.1.00
1. Descriptions of the sample programs
1.1 eBUS Driver Installation API
This sample shows how to display the information about the network configuration (NICs) and apply eBUS drivers
(Universal Pro or Optimal driver) to the NICs on the PC.
1) Introduction
This sample shows how to:
Displays the information about the NICs and the drivers installed on the PC.
Installs and uninstall the drivers for the NIC.
To understand the timing of reboot the PC when install and uninstall the drivers.
Please refer this for include the eBUS driver with the StGigE SDK to the software.
Please read the "Custom install Guide" before use the StGigE SDK.
3) Descriptions of the files
3.1 main.cpp
This source code file shows how to use EbNetworkAdapter, EbDriver and EbInstaller classes.
1.2 GEVPlayerSample
This sample is the source code for the StGigE Player application.
StGigE Player application is used to connect and configure the GigE Vision camera.
1) Introduction
This sample help to understand how to use StGigE SDK.
Please check the "StGigE Player" application before use this sample code.
It is necessary to understand and have the knowledge about C++ and Microsoft MFC foundation class.
3) Descriptions of the files
3.1) AboutBox.cpp
The source code file for the about dialog in the StGigE Player.
This is accessible from "About StGigE Player" under "Help" in the menu.
3.2) BitmapButton.cpp
The source code file for the "Play" and the "Stop" button class of the user inter face in the StGigE Player.
3.3) BufferOptionsDlg.cppT
The source code file for the Buffer Options dialog in the StGigE Player.
This is accessible from " Buffer Options..." under "Tools" in the menu.
3.4) ConnectionThread.cpp
The source code file for the thread, which is created classes of the asynchronous connection procedure and
pass the message to the ProgressDlg. (Please check ProgressDlg.cpp)