243 Variations
Internal Relief Valve
The 243 is available with an internal relief valve (IRV). It’s a
built-in safety device for providing a limited level of overpressur-
ization protection.
Like any relief valve, an IRV must be carefully sized.
More complete description plus performance data is given on
page 5. For Basic Models refer to the table on page 2.
Internal Relief valves are not available in the high pressure
Model 243-8HP
Low Pressure Cut-Off
The low pressure cut-off (LPCO) is used for automatic gas shut-
off when inlet pressure is too low for the required gas flow. Once
closed, it must be manually reopened and reset.
Basic Models are given in the table at the bottom on page 2.
Note: There is an LPCO version that also includes the internal
relief valve.
Outlet pressures range from 4” w.c. to 30” w.c. and available ori-
fices are
” and 1”. For more complete information and
capacities please refer to data bulletin RDS 1306-1.
Pressure Loading
While pressure loading (self-operation) falls short of the remark-
able accuracy inherent in the pilot operated regulator (relay-
operation) it still does a good job. And the pressure loaded 243-
8PL has a performance background of many years of depend-
able, accurate pressure control.
Its outlet range is 3 to 35 psig. Pipe sizes are 1
”, 1
” and 2”.
It is available arranged either bleed to atmosphere or bleed to
line. Capacities range to over 50,000 scfh.