Intelli-FLEX II product guide • • • glossary - 1
Ambient compensation
Refers to the ability of the Intelli-FLEX II to sense the environmental signal levels in the zone.
Adjustments are made to the detection algorithms based on these signal characteristics so that
response to weather conditions is minimized without reducing detection capability. This is a
technician level adjustment. See Chapter 6 for more information.
A threat scenario in which an intruder attempts to climb over the fence.
Climb time
The amount of accumulated time above a prescribed threshold that a climbing activity must be
present, within a selected period of time, to generate an alarm output from the Intelli-FLEX II
Common mode
A criteria for determining if the ambient noise seen on a sensor wire may be used to determine
if ambient compensation should be applied in the zone. When enabled, it requires that the
noise level in one zone be within 1/2 of the noise level in the other zone for ambient
compensation to be applied to the zone.
A threat scenario in which an intruder uses a mechanical aid to cut through the fabric of the
Cut count
The number of cuts required within a selected period of time to generate an alarm output from
the Intelli-FLEX II processor.
Cut profile
A parameter that determines the percentage that the cut window is extended for each cut event.
It may be set from 01 (10%) to 10 (100%). For example, if the cut profile is set at 02 (default
20%) and the cut window is set for 30 seconds, each cut will extend the cut window by six (6)
additional seconds.
Proper use of this parameter allows the cut window to be set for a shorter time than might
ordinarily be necessary, because it is automatically extended when the fence is attacked. The
effect is to reduce false alarms.
Intrusion alarm
An output generated by the Intelli-FLEX II signal processor when predetermined alarm
requirements are met.
The peak or average signal that is captured by the processor from the sensor cable.
Peak trigger
Refers to a reference value that an event must exceed in order to be recognized as a cut event.
Proper setting of this parameter allows the adaptive algorithms to effectively ignore heavy rain,
without affecting detection capability.
Supervision alarm
An output generated by the Intelli-FLEX II processor when the sensor cable has been shorted or
opened, the A/C power fails, or the enclosure is opened.