CAUTION: Always start any SENSIT® HXG-2d in a gas free
environment to insure a proper zero.
1. Push and hold the power button (A) until the display and backlight
2. If the display fails to illuminate or the BAT icon is shown on the display,
replace the batteries.
3. During successful start-up the instrument will display:
a. Display all segments
b. Turn on and off the backlight
c. Display “S2d” as the model number
d. Cal Gas (CH4 or PRO)
e. Display software version
f. Display “50.0%” or “10.0%” indicating the LEL Calibration point
for the instrument for CH4 gas type only.
g. Display “dIS” indicating display resolution of PPM / %LEL or both.
h. Display “AL” followed by the alarm set point.
i. Activate the alarm sound and red LED for 3 beeps
j. Continue to flash all segments until proper warm-up is
attained (no more than five minutes)
k. Flash “Zro” indicating fresh air zeroing
l. Working display is shown
A failure to properly zero due to the presence of gas is indicated
by “bAd” + cal icon illuminated on the display. Pressing the ZERO (C)
button for 6 seconds and releasing will restart the zeroing process.
If a sensor is completely inoperable or improperly zeroed at start
up, the display will show “bAd”.