© Copyright Sensirion AG, Switzerland
The RX/TX Pins are not used by the Debugger but can be optionally used by your own application as a serial
debug interface for
messages. Connect the signals according to your debugger pin-out. Standard pin-
outs for ARM Debuggers are:
The 3V Pin of ST1 goes to VCC on the Debugger.
Steps to Flash/Debug BLE Module Firmware
Download or clone the Smart Gadget Firmware from
The folder contains the firmware for the nRF51822 Bluetooth Low Energy Chip (Folder
BLE_Module_nRF51822) which runs the application and the firmware for the LCD Driver (Folder
LCD_Driver_MC9S08LL8). The scope lies on the nRF51822 thus the application and not on the LCD driver
that basically just drives the LCD Pins.
Open the project file SmartHumigadget.uvproj located in the BLE_Module_nRF51822 Folder
The project is made for the Keil uVision 4 but can also be opened/converted with Keil uVision 5. If the
programming algorithm under target options->Utilities->Settings is missing, download and install the Nordic
SDK and follow the instructions here: