Pausar y servir
La función Pausar y servir le permite verter una taza de café antes de que
se prepare toda la jarra. Al volver a colocar la jarra sobre la placa
de calentamiento el goteo se reanudará.
Volver a colocar la jarra bajo la canastilla de filtrado antes
de los 30 segundos para evitar desbordamientos.
Consejos de Beautiful para un café de sabor ideal
• A clean Coffee Maker is essential for brewing great tasting coffee.
Regular cleaning, as described in the CLEAN section of this instruction
manual, is highly recommended.
• Always use fresh, cold water in your Coffee Maker.
• Finer grinds, such as drip and ADC coffee, promote fuller extraction
and provide rich, full-bodied coffee.
• For optimum taste, program your Coffee Maker to brew coffee to your
preferred STRENGTH Choose from Regular, Gourmet, or
• For optimum brewed coffee flavor, buy whole beans and grind just
before brewing.
• Do not re-use coffee grounds since this will greatly impair
coffee flavor.
• Reheating coffee is not recommended. Coffee is at its peak flavor
immediately after brewing.
• Small oil droplets on the surface of brewed, black coffee is due
to the extraction of oil from the coffee grounds. Oiliness may occur
more frequently if heavily roasted coffees are used. Overextraction
may also cause oiliness, indicating a need to clean your Coffee Maker.
Instrucciones de mantenimiento para el usuario
Este electrodoméstico necesita poco mantenimiento. No contiene piezas que el
usuario pueda reparar. Cualquier tipo de mantenimiento, aparte de la limpieza,
que requiera desarmar el aparato, debe ser realizado por un técnico calificado
que repare electrodomésticos.
19027, 19032, 19037, 19017 Beautiful 14c Programmable CM IM R10.indd 53
19027, 19032, 19037, 19017 Beautiful 14c Programmable CM IM R10.indd 53
2021-04-07 9:14 AM
2021-04-07 9:14 AM