background image


          SCT-1066 Ver. 1.0


AD Pan, Tilt, Zoom, Focus, and Iris commands are converted to the equivalent Kalatel com-
mands. Additional commands will be converted to Kalatel commands according to the following

           AD  COMMAND


Call Shot 1~64

Find Preset 0~63

Set Shot 1~ 64

Program Preset 0~63

Note: Kalatel uses some presets for special dome commands.

Set Shot 63

Set Autopan Left Limit

Set Shot 64

Set Autopan Right Limit

Call Shot 66

Activate Preset Tour 1

Call Shot 67

Activate Preset Tour 2

Call Shot 68

Activate Preset Tour 3

Call Shot 69

Activate Preset Tour 4

Call Shot 70

Auto Pan

Call Shot 71

Auto Focus

1 Off

Rcvr Off

1 On

Rcvr On

2 Off

Door 1 Open

2 On

Door 2 Open

3 Off

Face Video

3 On

Badge Video
