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          5                                                                           SCT-1034  Ver. 1.0


Pan, Tilt, Zoom, Focus, and Iris commands are converted directly.

Ernitec Store and Recall pre-position commands are converted to Bosch Set and Shot com-

Aux 1 is converted to Aux ON 1, which is interpreted by the Bosch domes as Autoscan (without
Aux 2 is converted to Aux ON 2, which is interpreted by the Bosch domes as Autopan (within

If the code translator is configured for fixed speed Bosch receivers, the Pan and Tilt commands
have no speed value associated with them.

The Ernitec controller does not send speed values for Pan and Tilt commands.

If the code translator is configured for variable speed Bosch receivers, the code translator will give
a speed value to Pan and Tilt commands. On power-up, the default is a medium speed. Aux 3 and
Aux 4 are used to change the Tilt speed value. Aux 5 and Aux 6 change the Pan speed.
Each time one of those Aux buttons is pressed, a small change is made to the associated speed.

Aux 3

Decrease tilt speed

Aux 4

Increase tilt speed

Aux 5

Decrease pan speed

Aux 6

Increase pan speed
