background image

SCT-1024  Ver. 2.3



The Pelco Pan, Tilt, Zoom, Focus, and Iris commands are converted to the equivalent Vicon
commands. Other commands are converted according to the following table.





(If Momentary Aux switch is ON, simulates pressing and releasing Aux key.)





Alarm Acknowledge



(Note: Sending [Aux][Off] will send the Vicon stop command.)


Activate/Deactivate slow speed mode

(In slow speed mode, the code translator divides all pan and tilt
speeds by two. Power-up default is deactivated.)

Preset 1~99

Run Preset 1~99

Pgm Preset 1~99

Pgm Preset 1~99

Here is a listing of Vicon Dome functions for presets 80~99.

Pgm Pattern 1 or Pgm Preset 88

Pgm Auto Tour 88

Pgm Pattern 2 or Pgm Preset 89

Pgm Auto Tour 89

Pattern 1 or Preset 88

Run Auto Tour 88

Pattern 2 or Preset 89

Run Auto Tour 89

Pgm Preset 90

Lock / Unlock Pan & Tilt

Pgm Preset 94 or Pgm Preset 95

Activate On-screen Menu

(Use joystick to navigate, [Aux][2] (A/P) to select, and [Aux][3] (A/I) to exit.)

Pgm Preset 96

Soft reset - Autobaud detect

Pgm Preset 98

Set Autopan Left Limit

Pgm Preset 99

Set Autopan Right Limit

Pgm Preset 97

Set Autopan Speed

(After sending this command, deflect the joystick in a pan direction. This will activate autopan and
the speed will change with joystick deflection. When the desired autopan speed is reached, press
any lens key. Then release the joystick and the dome will continue to autopan at that speed.)
