EN 17
Revision 06/2016
Copyright © 2016, Fast ČR, a. s.
Camera settings
Shock sensor has the fi le locking function to protect against automatic deletion after the card
is full, and the location of these fi les is in the folder LOCK. Select the setting of sensitivity
between Unused (Close) / LOW / MIDDLE / HIGH. G-sensor is active only in the Driving
Mode. If the sensor processed an over threshold impulse and started, the screen will
display a small lock symbol until the end of the time loop (Loop Recoding) (your setting
2/3/5 minutes). The fi le is marked with the lock symbol also during playback.
Light Source Frequency
Camera use under artifi cial light circumstances can be affected by lights fl ickering at network
frequency, which your eye would not normally register, but your camera will. Choose
50 Hz/60 Hz according to your conditions.
LED Indicator Light
Turn on or off the blue operation light (or. green WiFi), should you be disturbed for example
while driving in the car. This selection has no effect on the red charging indicator.
Auto Screensaver
Set the time after which the display shuts off to: Unused (Close, display is lit during the entire
operation) or 10 sec, 20 sec, 30 sec. The display will turn off after the confi gured period, the
camera continues in executing the previous activity. Turn the display on again by pressing
briefl y any button.
Auto Shutdown
Sets the time after which the video camera shuts off from the state of preparedness: Unused
(Close) or 1 min, 3 min, 5 min. If the video camera is recording it will not shut off even after
the set time runs out.
8.6.2016 14:25:1