M/S (Mid/Side) technique
Use either the cardioid or omnidirectional capsules� This technique requires one SCI-
3212 microphone and a figure-8 (bidirectional) large-diaphragm condenser microphone
like the Senal SCM-660� This technique is excellent for capturing the ambience
surrounding your sound source and often offers the greatest stereo width�
Point the SCI-3212 directly at the sound source (mid)�
Place the figure-8 microphone just below the capsule
of the SCI-3212 and at a 90° angle (side)�
Send the stereo signal from the figure-8 microphone
to a stereo track, and the mono signal from the
cardioid microphone to its own mono track�
The cardioid microphone (mid) will record the sound source
directly in front of it while rejecting the off-axis sound� The
figure-8 microphone (side) will record the off-axis sound�
Mixing these signals can be tricky� Duplicate the side channel and reverse the polarity�
Then combine both side tracks onto one stereo track� Mix in the mid channel with the
stereo track� The louder the stereo side track is, the greater the stereo width will be�
Stereo Microphone Techniques
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