Revision 1.0 STD – February 2010
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© Semtech 2011
2.2 Installation
1. Put the CDROM in your computer and browse the contents of the CD, open the
“sx1233starterkitsetup.exe” manually. It can be found in the \Installers sub directory of the CD-
2. If the evaluation kit is supplied with an insert sheet, follow the instruction on the insert sheet and
download the latest version of the software from the weblink provided
3. Follow the on-screen installation guidelines until the process is completed. Please note that .NET
Framework 3.5 and the FTDI USB driver will be automatically installed if not detected on your
4. Connect the SX1233SKA board to the PC via the USB interface. The SM1233 module and USB
bridge are powered via the USB
5. Launch “SX1233SKA” from the Start menu
6. Click on “Connect” button in toolbar or in File menu
7. SX1233SKA is now installed and ready to be used
2.3 SX1233SKA Overview
The SX1233SKA features the SM1233 reference design and is also interfaced via the FTDI USB Bridge
to the USB type ‘A’ interface of a host PC.
Transmission and reception is indicated by a pair of LEDs on the USB Bridge.
3 SX1233 Quick Start Guide
It is recommended that this user guide is read in conjunction with the SX1233 datasheet.
1. Plug the SX1233SKA into the USB port of the computer. The USB power LED on the bridge
should be illuminated
2. Run the SX1233 User Interface software: Start > All Programs > SX1233SKA > SX1233SKA
3. The SX1233SKA should connect automatically to the User Interface Software. If not, click on the
USB connect button, located in the top left hand corner of the window toolbar, as illustrated in
Figure 4, below
4. Once connected the SX1233SKA shows the default configuration of the SX1233 register settings
upon power-up, as illustrated in Figure 3
Figure 3
. If the EVK is not connected, the GUI screen is grayed
out and an error message is displayed in the bottom left hand corner of the status bar.
4 SX1233SKA Software Description
4.1 Overview
illustrates the SX1233SKA graphical user interface (GUI). Each of the numbered captions