Revision 1.0 STD – February 2010
Page 10 of 31
© Semtech 2011
Save Config as…
prompts for a new file name before saving, allowing for multiple configuration files to be
saved and may also be accessed through the short cut buttons of the Window Toolbar.
closes the application.
Figure 4: File Menu Options
4.2.2 Action Menu
resets the SX1233 configuration registers to the recommended default values.
reads the status of the all registers.
Show registers
toggles the SX1233 Registers display window and may also be accessed through the
short cut buttons of the Window Toolbar. The register display window indicates the status of SX1233
configuration registers as detailed in the SX1233 datasheet. Refer to Section for further information.
Monitor ON
allows the GUI to constantly scan the status of the Irq registers
at addresses 0x27 and 0x28 respectively, and displays the status on the right hand side of
the GUI (see Section 4.6 for further details).
Monitor OFF
disables the monitor function.
Figure 5: Action Menu Options
4.2.3 Tools Menu
RSSI analyzer
provides a graphical representation of the signal level at the antenna port measured within
the RX filter channel bandwidth, RxBw, at the programmed RF frequency. Refer to See Section 7.4 for
further details.