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SX1211SK868/915 User Guide
In addition the RESET of the board will not affect the parameters of the default Ping Pong demo.
Equipment required
Two SX1211 radio modules
Two antennas
Two processor boards
Figure 4.2 Ping-Pong test Hardware set up
While the Ping-Pong Test is in progress:
Tx Yellow Led switched ON indicates a radio message is being sent
Rx Yellow Led switched ON indicates a valid radio message is being received
Default Ping-Pong Test enabling
To enable the default Ping Pong test the user needs to click on the “Default Ping-Pong” button on the
PC-GUI interface before disconnecting the RS232 cable from the board.
Read back the configuration
To read the Default Ping Pong configuration saved in the Microcontoller memory, the user needs to
click on “SX1211 Eval” to have access to the control buttons. Click on “Get Config”, do not click on
“Load Config”. The Graphic Interface will display the Default Ping Pong configuration which has
been saved into the microcontroller.
The “User Ping Pong Test” allows the user to achieve a Ping Pong Test with their own settings. The
User configuration will be saved in an EEPROM, but will be lost after the RESET function. This mode
allows the user to modify all the parameters of the SX1211 (Frequency deviation, Local Oscillator f1,
f2, f3, Pattern, etc). The only restriction is the data rate, which must be lower than 38.4kbps for a
Ping-Pong Test.
User Ping-Pong Test Enabling
To modify the Ping-Pong settings, the user needs to click on the “SX1211 Eval” button before starting
the parameter modifications. The next step is to send the new configuration to the microcontroller by
clicking on “Send Config”. To save this configuration into the memory (EEPROM), the user needs to
click on the “Save Config” button. The RESET operation will erase all the user parameters. To start
the User Ping Pong test the user needs to click on the “User Ping-Pong” button on the PC-GUI
interface before disconnecting the RS232 cable from the board.
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