© by SEMIKRON / 2019-07-23 / Technical Explanation / SKYPER
42 LJ R
PROMGT.1026/ Rev.7/ Template Technical Explanation
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The information in this document may not be considered as guarantee or assurance of product characteristics
("Beschaffenheitsgarantie"). This document describes only the usual characteristics of products to be expected in typical
applications, which may still vary depending on the specific application. Therefore, products must be tested for the
respective application in advance. Application adjustments may be necessary. The user of SEMIKRON products is
responsible for the safety of their applications embedding SEMIKRON products and must take adequate safety measures
to prevent the applications from causing a physical injury, fire or other problem if any of SEMIKRON products become
faulty. The user is responsible to make sure that the application design is compliant with all applicable laws, regulations,
norms and standards. Except as otherwise explicitly approved by SEMIKRON in a written document signed by authorized
representatives of SEMIKRON, SEMIKRON products may not be used in any applications where a failure of the product or
any consequences of the use thereof can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. No representation or
warranty is given and no liability is assumed with respect to the accuracy, completeness and/or use of any information
herein, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party.
SEMIKRON does not assume any liability arising out of the applications or use of any product; neither does it convey any
license under its patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights, nor the rights of others.
SEMIKRON makes no representation or warranty of non-infringement or alleged non-infringement of intellectual property
rights of any third party which may arise from applications. This document supersedes and replaces all information
previously supplied and may be superseded by updates. SEMIKRON reserves the right to make changes.
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