Technical Explanation
4 F-Option Board
2017-08-30 - Rev02
4 / 21
Application and handling instructions
Please provide static discharge protection during handling. As long as the board is not completely
assembled, the input terminals have to be short-circuited. Persons working with devices have to wear a
grounded bracelet. Any synthetic floor coverings must not be statically chargeable. Even during
transportation the input terminals have to be short-circuited using, for example, conductive rubber.
Worktables have to be grounded.
When first operating a newly developed circuit, SEMIKRON recommends to apply low collector voltage
and load current in the beginning and to increase these values gradually, observing the turn-off
behavior of the free-wheeling diode and the turn-off voltage spikes generated across the IGBT. An
oscillographic control will be necessary. Additionally, the case temperature of the module has to be
monitored. When the circuit works correctly under rated operation conditions, short-circuit testing may
be done, starting again with low collector voltage.
It is important to feed any errors back to the control circuit and to switch off the device immediately in
failure events. Repeated turn-on of the IGBT into a short circuit with a high frequency may destroy the