Technical Explanation
3 Parallel Board
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Block diagram
Figure 2: Block diagram of main functions of SKiiP
3 Parallel board
The main functions of the SKiiP
3 Parallel board are shown in the Figure 2. They are:
24V routing from supply connector X2 to all four SKiiP
3 DIN41651-connectors X3/X4/X5/X6
Generation of +15V for F-Option-Board. It will be supplied by the controller connector X1 (+15V)
Monitoring the +15V; -15V; in case of failure the ERROR signal will be activated.
Providing the maximum temperature value or maximum DC-link voltage of all connected SKiiP
subsystems (Analogue Out, Pin 12 / connector X1)
Providing the sum of currents of all connected SKiiP
3 subsystems (Analogue Out, Pin 14 / connector
Routing the TOP/BOT switching signals from the controller (Digital IO, Pin 4 and Pin 2 / connector X1)
to all four SKiiP
3 connectors X3/X4/X5/X6 (incl. Short-Pulse-Suppression, TOP/BOT-Interlock and
min. Pulse-Time)
Linking the error and temperature error signals from the connected SKiiP
3 subsystems to the
corresponding error signal (Digital IO, Pin 3 and Pin 5 / connector X1)
Providing grounding option via metal screws or over the supply connector X2 for the shield of all four
3 connectors X3/X4/X5/X6.