Identify the back:
insert dowels into the holes—then
join this back with one of the gables… Be sure to secure
this join by inserting screws in the small holes from the
Now place carcass on end.
Insert dowels into the
top & bottom … and insert these into the gable.
You are now ready to assemble
the LIFT mechanism:
Before proceeding to this stage you can install your handle—
having the door correctly weighted will assist us in adjusting the
mechanism for smooth operation.
Don’t clip on the door yet until the mounting hardware is fixed in the
next step.
The top & bottom of your carcass are dowelled into the back &
the gable so ensure these are correctly located.
Aventos HK-XS Lift-up TIPON COMPACT (632mm)
The Semble COMPACT range
an exciting range of small height cabi-
nets from lift-up door solutions
through to open shelf units.
With AVENTOS HK-XS, the door swings up and
stays out of the way no matter where stopped
making it ideal for all sorts of applications...
Assemble the Carcass:
Identify the two gables.
Each gable has two locating holes
drilled on the front forward face: this
will allow you to fit the lift mechanism.
Insert the mounting plates:
the two gables into the top of the cabinet
and then insert the hinge bosses into the
door. Ensure both a screwed home firmly.
Almost there:
place the last gable on to the carcass
ensuring the dowels are aligned. Then secure with screws
in the remaining holes.