Check of the supply.
When you receive your motor, check that:
- the packing is integral
- the supply corresponds to the detailed list:
1. the entire motor
2. fuel tank supplied complete with the fuel hose and fast fuel joint
( for the motors with separate fuel tank )
3. tool-bag
4. use and maintenance manual
5. certificate of guarantee
6. declaration of conformity EEC.
7. list of our dealers and our after-sales service
- that there is no evident damage. If there is a damage or if parts are
missing, you must inform immediately and in detail the forwarding-
agent, SELVA joint-stock CO. or its area agents.
Picture No. 35.
Outboard motor mounting.
A good position of the motor on the transom is very important to
have an appropriate trim angle and therefore to obtain a good
performance from your boat
To have the optimum mounting height of the outboard motor, you must
mount it so that the anti-cavitation plate is between the bottom of the boat
and a level of 2 cm below it and it is parallel to it.
If the mounting-height is too high, cavitation tends to occur and
consequently there will be a falling-off in the performance and
a probable overheating of the motor.
If the mounting-height is too low, the water-resistance will
increase and thereby reduce engine efficiency.
Picture No. 36.
The motor must be vertical to the water surface and the
brackets mounted on a flat even surface and should be fully
supported by the top edge of the transom.
If the bracket is not fully supported or, if the transom height is
too low, a hard wood block should be securely fitted between
the bracket and the transom.
Picture No. 37.