Greasing and additions
The only part, which must be filled with oil, is the gearbox.
Selva supply the motor already with the oil, which the user will have to
change completely after the first 20 cruising hours
After this change you must check its level every 50 hours and change it
every 100 hours, and anyway each season.
Gearbox-oil change
To change the oil do as follows:
Keep the motor in vertical position.
Place a container to collect the used oil under the gearbox.
Take out the oil-level plug and the oil drain-plug.
They have a different size and after the oil change they must be
replaced in their proper seat.
Wait until the oil has drained completely, (during this operation you must
check, if water or other foreign bodies are to be found in the drained oil.
They are signs of anomalies which must be identified and repaired by
qualified staff, before using the motor again).
Protecting the leaning parts, put the motor horizontally, with the oil-level
plug and the oil drain-plug holes upwards.
Inject the oil into the oil drain-plug hole.
The oil must agree with the characteristics listed in the greasing
chart, and must comply with the quantity pointed out in the
technical detailed list.
Insert and tighten the oil-level plug and the oil drain plug.
Picture No. 57.
The used oil must be given to the proper collecting centres or
to a SELVA service point.
The spark-plug must be often inspected because heat and deposits affect
its efficiency so that the performance of the motor will be affected too.
The inspection of the spark-plug must be done when the engine
is not running and it has cooled down.
It is very important to check, that the part made of porcelain is
not damaged because this could allow external sparks, which
could lead to explosion or fire.
To remove the spark-plug use the supplied spanner; using an abrasive
brush, remove any deposits, then check the wear condition and the spark-
plug gap ( the gap must be 0,6 mm, to measure it use a thickness gauge )
If the spark-plug is too badly worn you must replace it with a new one
which must agree with the characteristics listed in the specifications chart.