Before flying it is important that ever operator is familiar with the law before taking to the sky.
For additional information please contact CASA (Phone 131757) or view their website www.casa.gov.au/rpa
for the most up to date information.
At time of printing the most basic guidelines to follow are
You must only operate this aircraft in your line-of-sight in daylight.
Don’t let it get too far
away from you.
You must not fly closer than
30 meters to vehicles, boats buildings
or people
You must not fly over
any populous area,
such as beaches, other people’s backyards, heavily
populated parks, or sports ovals where there is a game in progress
If you are in controlled airspace, which covers most Australian cities, you must
not fly higher
than 400 feet
(120 meters)
You should not fly within
5.5km of an airfield.
It’s illegal to fly for money
or economic reward unless you have an unmanned operator’s
certificate issued by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA).
Supplementary information