Description (" ": Initial Value)
Send Command Sets the command to send.
Displays the command to send.
To enter data, use the binary editor which is displayed by clicking the
[Edit...] button.
Starts the binary editor.
Data entered in the binary editor is displayed in [Command data].
Up to 128 bytes can be specified.
For details of the binary editor, see "3.4.8 Using Binary Editor".
You can specify only one of [Print Start] or [Print End].
The initial value of [Print End].
The initial value of [Print Start].
Enter an even number. If you enter an odd number, it is internally rounded to a value
within the range.
It should be equal to or greater than four times of the ON time to protect circuits.
You cannot enter data directly.
3.4.8 Using Binary Editor
For a control in which you need to enter arbitrary numeric data, the binary editor is used.
Click the [Edit…] button for such a setting to display the window below.
Directly enter numeric values as hexadecimal numbers and click the [OK] button to confirm
the value.
Screen 3-7 Binary editor
Function to print a predefined image as logo. An NV image is used as the logo image.
For details of the NV image, see "5.6 NV Image".