Version Nr. 1-8 - 24.12.2020
Doc. Nr. 99852510S62
6 / 21
Test function
Different test functions can be used depending on the combination of keys pressed. Such tests run for the
duration of 4 minutes.
“SET+▲” tests Compressor and Ambient Blower relays.
“SET+▼” tests Alarms and Heater relays
Alarm Relay Operation
Both normally closed (NC) and normally open (NO) alarm contacts are provided. These refer to the alarm state.
Under normal conditions, the NC contact is closed and the NO contact is open. When an alarm condition is
present or the door contact is open, the NC contact will open and the NO contact will close. System power
failure will give an alarm condition.
Alarm relay Display
1 System powered OFF
2 System powered ON
- Door Contact Closed
3 System powered ON
- Door Contact Open
4 System powered ON