Version No. 1-14 - 30.12.2022
Doc. No. 998512RC00012-BZBG
12 / 31
Applying supplied tight tape
Condensate management:
High humidity and low temperatures inside the enclosure can lead to condensation on the evaporator.
Condensate that flows back into the enclosure can damage sensitive control electronics. The integrated
condensate evaporation of the cooling unit releases the condensate to the environment.
If too much condensation forms, the condensation is drained out of the cooling unit from the front through the
lower gill grilles. If this hose is removed, the cleaning drain MUST be open (see also point 13. Maintenance &
In order to prevent the formation of excessive condensate, you should nevertheless:
- check the seals on regular intervals
- consider installing a door contact switch (order no. 3100001). This will prevent condensation forming
when enclosure door is left open.