Version No. 1-1 - 09.11.2022
Doc. No. 99755520B001
25 / 27
18. Transport & Storage
Malfunction due to transport damage. During transport and storage the heat
exchanger must be kept in the position marked on the box and at a temperature
between -40˚C and 70˚C and a relative humidity of max. 95% (at 25°C). Check
the packaging has not been damaged during shipping.
Damage to the unit through incorrect transport. Please ensure that all liquid has
been removed prior any transport.
To avoid transport damage the unit should be returned in the original packing or in a packing case and must be
strapped to a pallet. If the unit cannot be returned in the original packing please ensure that:
A space of at least 30 mm must be maintained at all points between the unit and the external packing.
The unit must be firmly fixed in the packing.
The unit must be protected by shock-resistant padding (hard foam corners or cardboard corners).