Version No. 1-3 - 04.06.2021
Doc. No. 9942700001
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4. Settings
The cooling unit is intended to be used as a complementary accessory to larger industrial equipment,
and is used where heat needs to be dissipated from electrical control cabinets or similar enclosures in order to
protect heat sensitive components. It is not intended for household use. The unit has two completely separate
air circuits which ensure that the clean cabinet air does not come into contact with the ambient air which may
well be dirty or polluted. The cooling unit can dissipate large quantities of heat from electrical enclosures into
the ambient air and at the same time reduce the internal temperature to below that of the ambient air. The unit
works without problems in extreme ambient conditions (e.g. dusty and oily air). The operating temperature
range is b20°C and +55°C. Units can be ordered with an additional electrical cabinet heater. For
the cooling capacities and evironmental ratings please refer to the type plate data.
5. Functional Principle
The cooling unit for enclosures works on the basis of a refrigeration circuit consisting of four main
components: compressor, evaporator, condenser and expansion device.
The circuit is hermetically sealed and R134a refrigerant circulates inside it (R134a is chlorine free and has an
Ozone Destruction Potential [ODP] of 0 and a Global Warming Potential [GWP] of 1430). The compressor
compresses the refrigerant (thus taking it to high pressure and high temperature), and pushes it through the
condenser, where it is cooled by ambient air thus passing from the gas to the liquid state. At the liquid state it
then passes through the capillary pipe being a much lower pressure the refrigerant arrives to the evaporator
where it absorbs the necessary heat to change from liquid to gas state. The gas is then drawn back into the
compressor completing the cycle.
1 Air intake cabinet side 6 Air intake ambient side
2 Radial fan cabinet side 7 Radial fan ambient side
3 Evaporator
8 Condenser
4 Air outlet cabinet side 9 Air outlet ambient side
5 Compressor
10 Filter dryer
11 Expansion device