Customer Service 1-800-633-5096
Southern Enterprises, Inc.
2915 Merrell Road
Dallas, Texas 75229
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Please indicate where you purchased this item: Store/Website/Catalog
Please indicate color/size/style number:
Style No Parts Letter Parts Description Quantity Needed
Parts Replacement Form
Missing or damaged hardware and/or parts will be replaced free of charge. We do not sell parts. Southern
Enterprises Inc. will provide replacement parts for only those items purchased within the last 9 months. If
this product has not been purchased from our retail affiliates (within 9 months), we are under no obligation
to provide parts or replacement merchandise. Parts will not be available for items arriving fully assembled.
Parts will be sent if available from SEI.
The fireplace mantel will fit both gel fuel and electric firebox inserts. Depending on the insert ordered only
one insert will be included. Not recommended to put electronic equipment on or above a mantel due to the