SEHT SH40-80 USER MANUAL Edition 3
Page 4
The SH40-80 has a failsafe mode and will continue its basic operations of hearing and
transmitting in the event of battery failure or without batteries fitted.
DO NOT mix old and new batteries together.
Battery Life
The use of alkaline batteries can typically provide up to 38 hours of use, the exact
duration however depends on the amount of noise reduction required in your cockpit. To
maximise battery life turn off ANR when headset is not in use.
Battery Installation
To open the battery compartment door push down the battery cover (see below)
Controller Reference
1. Insert two AA batteries in the battery compartment
2. Press and hold power switch to activate the ANR function.
3. Observe the LED illuminates green and begins to flash
Power Status
1. Indicates Green when battery supply is strong.
2. Indicates Red when battery is exhausted.