Version 2.0
Segway RMP – User Guide
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Segway Inc. provides these instructions for users of the Segway™ Robotic Mobility Platform
(RMP). These instructions and the Segway RMP are designed for use by research scientists and
engineers who are experienced with tele-operated and autonomous robots and their safe use.
Persons who lack that experience should not attempt to use the Segway RMP.
The Segway RMP is based on the design of the Segway Human Transporter (HT). The RMP is a
transportation platform designed for integration into a system that has a “control processor.” The
control, or host processor must create velocity and steering commands and output these in the
correct message format to the RMP. The control processor may communicate with the RMP
using either CAN bus or USB. The document “Segway Robotic Mobility Platform Interface Guide”
is essential to understanding communication between the control processor and the RMP. The
control processor may be a laptop receiving joystick commands from a stationary PC, a small
microcontroller (e.g. a Microchip PIC processor), or some other device that can send velocity and
steering commands to the RMP via USB or CAN bus.
The system designer is responsible for implementing appropriate safety
systems to prevent damage and/or injury. The system designer must
understand the operation of the RMP and anticipate hazards that may
result from loss of control or interaction with the environment. The Segway
RMP provides both a control command and an emergency stop switch that
can stop its forward movement in an emergency.
Use of the Segway RMP involves risk. If an RMP tire loses traction or runs into an obstacle, the
Segway RMP can fall over. If the RMP experiences an internal malfunction, the RMP may fall
over. If possible, the Segway RMP will perform a “Safety Shutdown” and automatically come to a
stop in the event of fully discharged battery packs or certain failures in the balancing system.
(After 10 seconds of audible warning, the RMP will shutdown - if the RMP is in “Balance Mode”, it
will fall over.) The Segway RMP does not dynamically balance laterally, so cornering at too great
a speed or traversing a slope can cause the Segway RMP to tip over sideways. The Segway
RMP is equipped with an E-stop tether. Pulling the tether will disable all motor power. In each of
these cases, the Segway RMP could cause injury to nearby person(s) or damage to property
situated on or near the Segway RMP. Careful use of the Segway RMP reduces, but does not
eliminate this risk. This risk may be further reduced by using the Segway RMP in “Tractor Mode”
and attaching additional ground contacting supports (e.g. casters) as described in the Tractor
Mode section of these instructions.
The Segway RMP should not be used to transport any person. Persons should not sit, stand, or
in any way attempt to ride on the Segway RMP.
Read and understand these instructions thoroughly before attempting to use the Segway RMP.
Retain this document for future reference.