Riding Safety
1. The KickScooter is a recreational product. Before mastering riding skills, you need to practice. Neither Ninebot Inc.
(means Ninebot (Beijing) Tech Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries and affiliates) , hereinafter referred to as, collectively,
Ninebot Inc. nor Segway Inc. is responsible for any injuries or damage caused by a rider's inexperience or failure to
follow the instructions in this document.
2. Please understand that you can reduce the risk by following all the instructions and warnings in this manual, but you
cannot eliminate all the risks. Remember that whenever you ride the KickScooter you risk injury from loss of control,
collisions, and falls. When entering into public spaces always comply with the local laws and regulations. As with
other vehicles, faster speeds require longer braking distance. Sudden braking on low traction surfaces could lead to
wheel slip, or falls. Be cautious and always keep a safe distance between you and other people or vehicles when
riding. Be alert and slow down when entering unfamiliar areas.
3. Always wear a helmet when riding. Use an approved bicycle or skateboard helmet that fits properly with the chin
strap in place, and protects the back of your head.
4. Do not attempt your first ride in any area where you might encounter children, pedestrians, pets, vehicles, bicycles,
or other obstacles and potential hazards.
5. Respect pedestrians by always yielding the right of way. Pass on the left whenever possible. When approaching a
pedestrian from the front, stay to the right and slow down. Avoid startling pedestrians. When approaching from
behind, announce yourself and slow down to walking speed when passing. Please obey local traffic laws and
regulations if the situation is different.
6. In places without laws comply with the safety guidelines outlined in this manual. Neither Ninebot Inc. nor Segway Inc.
is responsible for any property damage, personal injury/death, accidents, or legal disputes caused by violations of
the safety instructions.
7. Do not allow anyone to ride your KickScooter on his/her own unless they have carefully read this manual. The safety
of new riders is your responsibility. Assist new riders until they are comfortable with the basic operation of the
KickScooter. Make sure each new rider wears a helmet and other protective gear.
8. Before each ride check for loose fasteners and damaged components. If the KickScooter makes abnormal sounds or
signals an alarm, immediately stop riding. Call your dealer/distributor for service.
9. Be alert! Scan both far ahead and in front of your KickScooter — your eyes are your best tool for safely avoiding
obstacles and low traction surfaces (including, but not limited to, wet ground, loose sand, loose gravel, and ice).
10. To reduce the risk of injury, you must read and follow all “CAUTION” , “WARNING” and "
" notices in this
document. Do not ride at an unsafe speed. Under no circumstance should you ride on roads with motor vehicles. The
manufacturer recommends riders be 18+ years old. Always follow these safety instructions:
A. People who should not ride the KickScooter include:
i. Anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
ii. Anyone who suffers from a disease that puts them at risk if they engage in strenuous physical activity.
iii. Anyone who has problems with balance or with motor skills that would interfere with their ability to maintain
iv. Anyone whose weight is outside the stated limits (see Specifications).
v. Pregnant women.
B. Comply with local laws and regulations when riding this product. Do not ride where prohibited by local laws.
C. To ride safely, you must be able to see what is in front of you and you must be visible to others.
D. Do not ride in the snow, in the rain, or on roads which are wet, muddy, icy, or that are slippery for any reason. Do
not ride over obstacles (sand, loose gravel, or sticks). Doing so could result in a loss of balance or traction and
could cause a fall.
11. Do not attempt to charge your KickScooter if, the charger or the power outlet, is wet. Please read the user materials
before charging the battery.
12. As with any electronic device, use a surge protector when charging to help protect your KickScooter from damage
due to power surges and voltage spikes. Only use the original supplied charger. Do not use a charger from any other
product models.
13. Use only Ninebot or Segway approved parts and accessories. Do not modify your KickScooter. Modifications to your
KickScooter could interfere with the operation of the KickScooter, could result in serious injury and/or damage, and
could void the Limited Warranty.
14. Children should not play with the KickScooter or parts of it nor should cleaning or maintenance be done by children.
The use of the machine results in the transmission of vibrations throughout the driver's body.
15. Always place the KickScooter on its kickstand on a flat and stable surface. The KickScooter must be placed with the
kickstand against the slope to prevent it from tipping over. Never place the KickScooter with the front facing down
the slope, which may cause your vehicle to tip over. Once the KickScooter is stably parked, check its stability to
avoid any risk of falling (by slip, wind or slight jolt). Do not park the KickScooter in a busy area, but rather along a
16. For a better riding experience, it is recommended to conduct regular maintenance of the KickScooter.
17. Do not touch the brake system, it could cause injuries.