Here, you can view the Emblems you gained in
each mode; HERO side, DARK side and Mini-
Use the Control Stick/+Control Pad to select an
item to view, and press the A Button to begin the
missions. If you select a stage which does not con-
tain an emblem, you will be asked to challenge the
new mission. Try to clear all the missions and col-
lect all 180 emblems!
Verify the emblems you gained
BGM played more than once in the game is added
to the list in the Sound Test. Use the up and down
of the Control Stick/+Control Pad to select a cate-
gory you fancy listening to and press the A Button
to enjoy the song.
Enjoy the background music used in the game
This mode is full of extra goodies such as how to
play a game for your enjoyment. Use the left and
right of the Control Stick/+Control Pad to select a
menu, and press the A Button to enter.
Here, Omochao will explain the controls and how
to play the game. Use the up and down of the
Control Stick/+Control Pad to select the item, and
press the A Button. To advance Omochao’s expla-
nation, press the A Button, to go back to previous
screen, press the B Button.
You can learn all about how to play the game
You can switch the Rumble Feature to on/off
You can change the game file to be used.
You can erase the match records in the
2P Battle Mode.
You can change various game settings in the
Options. Use the Control Stick/+Control Pad to
select an item to change and press the A Button.
To go back to previous screen, press the B Button.
You can change the Menu Screen Theme.
You can choose the language used for the voice and the text.
You can change the sound output between
Stereo and Monaural.