T h rough va rious kinds of training or practice, Ryo can st re n g then and imp rove his current moves
as well as acqu i re and master new moves. All moves learned can be used during Free Battle.
P ress to display the system menu and select the Martial Art Moves Scroll.
This will display a list containing all the moves Ryo has learned, the
commands for each move and Ryo’s current pro ficiency level.
When th e re are too many moves to display at one time, press / to move the cursor and scroll
l e ft or right. Select a move with the cursor and press to display an explanation of the move.
Also, press to to g gle bet ween the command descri ption and move name screens.
P ress to enlarge or reduce the Ryo image displayed at the bot tom left of the screen.
Use the Analog Thumb Pad to rota te this image.
It is possible to pre - s et one move from the Martial Art Moves Scroll that can be exe c u ted by simp ly
p ressing d u ring Free Battle. To pre - s et a move, use the cursor to select the move and press .
The pro ficiency level of each move is indicated by the height of the pro ficiency level bar in re l a t i o n
to the grades (Learning, Modera te, Ad vanced) indicated on the right side of the scroll. Moves th a t
h ave not re a ched the Learning level are not yet available for use during Free Battles.
As the pro ficiency levels of moves increase th e re will be a st re n g thening effect
on Ryo’s atta cking power and the ove rall effe c t i veness of the move.
Martial Art Moves Scroll
It is imp e ra t i ve for Ryo to train eve ry day.
Training will raise the pro ficiency level of each martial art move .
Move Demo
You can set a training method by selecting “Training” from the menu that is
displayed at the save point. Select a type of move and the proficiency level
of that type will increase in relation to the other types of moves.
When a move type other than “All Moves” is selected, it is possible to focus training
on just one move. When the list containing all the moves for the selected type
is displayed, select the move to apply focused training to and press .
Setting a Training Method
Presetting a Move to
The pro ficiency level for all moves will increase an ave ra ge amount.
All Moves:
The pro ficiency level for all th row moves will incre a s e .
Throw Moves:
The pro ficiency level for all hand moves will increase.
Hand Moves:
The pro ficiency level for all leg moves will increase.
Leg Moves:
Select the type of move for training. Use
the D-Pad to select and press to enter.
When a training method other
than “All Moves” is selected,
you can focus training on one
particular move within the
selected type.