Your role as the care g i ver of an animal does not
entitle you to end the cre a t u re’s life. While the “law
of the jungle” sta tes that the weak are victims of th e
st rong, this only applies in the wild, where it is
m e re ly a fa c et of the food chain, necessary to ensure
the surv i val and balance of life .
Please remember that humans have been re s p o n s i b l e
for the senseless oblite ration of numerous life fo rm s
on this planet.
If you are inte re sted in the protection and
p re s e rvation of wildlife, please visit the fo l l ow i n g
we b s i te to learn how you can make a diffe re n c e :
h t t p : / / w w w. p a n d a . o rg /
Be sure to hold the microphone the recommended distance (as specified in the
Microphone manual) away from your mouth when speaking to Seaman. Also, be
sure to speak as clearly and succinctly as possible at all times. Shouting is prohibited.
If multiple people wish to play Seaman using the same disc, ensure that each
prospective guardian has their own VMU and maintains their own Seaman data.
Each VMU must be used to maintain the information of each separate guardian. If
the guardian is changed midway, this may cause Seaman to become confused.
Seaman will ask you numerous questions and obtain a considerable amount of
personal information from you, however there is no risk of this information being
leaked to an outside source nor will your confidentiality be breached, provided that
you maintain sufficient care and management of your memory card. If you prefer
to be absolutely safe, ensure that you are alone when you play to prevent someone
from overhearing your conversations with Seaman.
Seaman is only so cle ver, and as you will discover, patience is not its strong suit.
When answering questions, avoid long or wordy answers and instead answer in one
simple, easy to understand term or phrase. For e xample: if Seaman asks you, “Do
you know?” your reply should be “Yes.” or “I know.” in a normal voice.
Remember to remain calm and speak clearly to make yourself easier to understand.
You will find it advantageous to provide the patience that Seaman is lacking t o
ensure productive communication is achieved.
Seaman is an honest and decent living creature who will ask you numerous
questions. Please answer as truthfully as possible and never, ever lie.
Once Seaman’s conversational ability develops fully, it will come to desire a
personal name. You are encouraged to provide Seaman with a name. Once a
sufficient level of conversational ability has been reached, try saying,“I will give you
a name.” Seaman will then explain how to proceed.
Seaman will remember and recognize its new name from there on. Having a name
is such a happy event for Seaman that it will change color, and will be easily
recognizable. Note that it is only possible to name one Seaman in the habitat at any
given time. Also, be sure not to forget the name you have given Seaman, because
you will be the only one who kno ws it.